Tuesday, December 4, 2007

It's Beginning To Look A Lot Like Christmas...

I added a few pictures to a slideshow that are a sure sign the Peterson's are getting ready for Christmas. I'll post more outside of the slideshow as I take them. I'm really just using this as a cheesy excuse to try the new slideshow widget but what the heck right? Enjoy!

Still no nativity scenes up yet... hmmm... Penny is sticking to her claim that she's concerned the rough-housing and overly-excited dog will break them. "I" on the other hand claim she's just deferring the job because it's a lot of work to set them all up. Silly girl!

1 comment:

Ben and Jessica said...

I love the slideshow Dad! Good job! I'm so proud of you updating your blog! And I'm even more proud that my kissing reindeer made it into your slideshow! I love those guys! So cute! Is Sam the dog really going to get Christmas presents from Santa?! lol.. You guys are cracks.. I love you still!